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- мејл bane@elfak.ni.ac.rs , baneran@gmail.com
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Академска каријера
- Изабран у звање ванредни професор 2024. године на Учитeљском факултету у Лепосавићу, област Методика наставе математике
- Изабран у звање ванредни професор 2021. године на Електронском факултету у Нишу, област Математика
- Докторирао 2015. године на Електронском факултету у Нишу, област Примењена и индустријска математика
- Магистрирао 2002. године на Електронском факултету у Нишу, област Примењена математика
- Дипломирао 1994. године на Електронском факултету у Нишу, област Информатика

Изабране референце
- E.I.Milovanovic, I.Z.Milovanovic, B.M.Randjelovic: Computing Transitive Cloisure Problem on Linear Systolic Arrays, Chapter in Book: Proc.of III Intern.Conference Numerical Analysis and Applications 2004, Rev.Sel.Papers, Z.Li, L.Vulkov, J.Wasniewski (eds.), Springer, Berlin 2005, 416-423.http://www.springerlink.com/content/jyfahtq2tk2bgx7c/ https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-31852-1_50 (M13)
- Z.Nikolic, K.Shinagawa, B.Randjelovic: A Method for Simulation of Grain Coarsening Due to Diffusion in Capillary Liquid Bridge, Chapter in Book: Proc.of the III Advanced Ceramics and Applications Conference, Rev.Sel.Papers, W.E.Lee, R.Gadow, V.Mitic, N.Obradovic (eds.), Atlantis Press, Amsterdam (2016), pp. 85-114. http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.2991/978-94-6239-157-4_7 https://doi.org/10.2991/978-94-6239-157-4 (M13)
- B.Randjelovic, Z.Nikolic: A Mathematical Model for Simulation of Intergranular μ-Capacitance as a Function of Neck Growth in Ceramic Sintering. In: Daras N., Rassias T. (eds) Computational Mathematics and Variational Analysis. Springer Optimization and Its Applications, vol 159. Springer, Cham. (2020) pp 403-420. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-44625-3_22 (M13)
- A.Jovanović, K.Zavišin, B.Ranđelović: Development of Plurilingualism and Interculturalism as an Objective of Project-Based L2 Learning in Primary School Education, In: V.Savic, O.Cekic-Jovanovic (eds) Proc.of the Intern.Conference PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES FOR TEACHING IN THE 21ST CENTURY, Faculty of Education, Jagodina (2020) pp. 237-248. https://doi.org/10.46793/pctja.19.237J (M13)
- B.Ranđelović, V.V.Mitic, S.Ribar, M.Cebela, M.Mohr, H.Fecht, B.Vlahovic: Graph Theory Approach in Synthetized Diamond Electrophysical Parameters Defining, in: Bioceramics, Biomimetic and other Compatible Materials Features for Medical Applications, (Ed: Najman S., Mitic V., Groth T., Barbeck M., Yu Chen P., Sun Z., Randjelovic B.), Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2023, 379-400. https://link.springer.com/book/9783031172687 (M13)
- S.Ribar, V.V. Mitic, A.Chun Lu, G.Lazovic, R.Hwu, B.Randjelovic, H.Fecht, B.Vlahovic. Neural Networks from Biophysical Applications in Microelectronics Parameters Measurements. in: Bioceramics, Biomimetic and other Compatible Materials Features for Medical Applications, (Ed: Najman S., Mitic V., Groth T., Barbeck M., Yu Chen P., Sun Z. , Randjelovic B.), Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2023, 365-377. https://link.springer.com/book/9783031172687 (M13)
- B.Randjelovic, Z.Nikolic: Microstructure Evolution in Sintering: a Graph-theory Aproach. In: Pardalos P. and Rassias T. (eds), Global Optimization, Computation, Approximation and Applications. World Scientific, Singapur. (2022) (accepted, 17pages). (M13)
- Najman S., Mitic V., Groth T., Barbeck M., Yu Chen P., Sun Z., Randjelovic B. (eds), Bioceramics, Biomimetic and other Compatible Materials Features for Medical Applications, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2023. https://link.springer.com/book/9783031172687 (M17)
- E.I. Milovanovic, I.Z. Milovanovic, B.M.Randjelovic: Computing Transitive Cloisure Problem on Linear Systolic Arrays, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3401 (2005), 416-423. http://www.springerlink.com/content/jyfahtq2tk2bgx7c/ https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-31852-1_50 (M23)
- E.I. Milovanovic, I.Z. Milovanovic, M.P.Bekakos, B.M.Randjelovic: Finding Minimum Cost Spanning Tree On Bidirectional Linear Systolic Array, Filomat 23 (2009), 1–12. http://operator.pmf.ni.ac.rs/www/pmf/publikacije/filomat/2009/23-1-2009/f23-1-1.pdf https://doi.org/10.2298/FIL0901001M (M23)
- B.Randjelovic, K.Shinagawa, Z.Nikolic: A Mathematical Approach to Ostwald Ripening Due to Diffusion and Deformation in Liquid Bridge, Science of Sintering 45, Vol 3, Serbian Academy of Science and Art (2013), 261-271.http://www.iiss.sanu.ac.rs/download/vol45_3/vol45_3_02.pdf https://doi.org/10.2298/SOS1303261R (M22)
- V.V.Mitic, G.Lazovic, V.Paunovic, N.Cvetkovic, S.Veljkovic, B.Randjelovic, B.Vlahovic, Fractal frontiers in microelectronic ceramic materials, Ceramics International, 2019, Vol.45, Issue 7, Part B, (2019), 9679-9685, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2019.01.020 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0272884219300227 (M21a)
- V.V.Mitic, G.Lazovic, V.Paunovic, S.Veljkovic, B.Randjelovic, B.Vlahovic, H.Fecht, Electronic ceramics fractal microstructure analysis - Minkowski Hull and grain boundaries, Ferroelectrics, 545:1, (2019), 184-194, https://doi.org/10.1080/00150193.2019.1621704 (M23)
- A.Prijić, A.Ilić, Z.Prijić, E.Živanović, B.Randjelovic, On the Node Ordering of Progessive Polyniomial Approximation for the Sensor Linearization, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS, Ser.Electronics and Energetics, Vol. 32, No 4, (2019), p.539-554 https://doi.org/10.2298/FUEE1904539P (M24)
- Marjanović, M, Prijić, A, Randjelović, B, Prijić, Z. A Transient Modeling of the Thermoelectric Generators for Application in Wireless Sensor Network Nodes. Electronics (2020), 9, 1015. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics9061015 (M22)
- J.Stevanovic, B.Randjelovic, E.Lazarevic, Reading habits of secondary school students in Serbia, Zbornik Instituta za pedagoska istrazivanja, Vol. 52, (1), (2020), pp. 136-180. https://doi.org/10.2298/ZIPI2001136S (M24)
- N.Mitrović, D.Dankovic, B.Randjelović, Z.Prijić, N.Stojadinovic. Modeling of Static NBT Stressing in p-chanell VDMOSFETs using Least Square Method,.Journal of Microelectronics, Components and Materials (MIDEM) Vol.50 Issue 3, pp. 205-214 (2020) https://doi.org/10.33180/InfMIDEM2020.305 (M23)
- B.Randjelovic, N.Cirovic, S.Jesic, A Characterisation of Completeness of b-Fuzzy Metric Spaces and Nonlinear Constractions, Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, Vol 15, Issue 1, 233-242, (2021) https://doi.org/10.2298/AADM200911057R (M21)
- V.V.Mitic, G.Lazovic, B.Randjelovic, V.Paunovic, I.Radovic, A.Stajcic, B.Vlahovic: Graph Theory Applied to Microelectronic Intergranular Relations, Ferroelectrics, 570, (2021) 145-152. https://doi.org/10.1080/00150193.2020.1839265 (M23)
- B.Randjelovic, V.V.Mitic, S.Ribar, I.Radovic, A.Stajcic, I.Novakovic, B.Vlahovic. Ceramics, Materials, Microelectronics and Graph Theory new Frontiers, Modern Physic Letters B, Vol 34, Issue 34, (2020) pp. 2150159 https://doi.org/S0217984921501591 (M23)
- V.V.Mitic, S.Ribar, B.Randjelovic, C.-An Lu, I.Radovic, A.Stajcic, I.Novakovic, B.Vlahovic., Neural Networks and Microelectronic Parameters Distribution Measurements depending on Sinthering Temperature and Applied Voltage, Modern Physic Letters B, Vol 34, Issue 35 (2020) pp. 2150172. https://doi.org/S0217984921501724 (M23)
- VV. Mitic, B.Randjelovic, I.Ilic, S.Ribar, C.An-Lu, A.Stajcic, B.Vlahovic., The 3D graph approach for breakdown voltage calculation in BaTiO3 ceramics, Intern.Journ. of Modern Physic B, Vol 35, Issue 7 (2021), 2150103. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0217979221501034 (M23)
- B.Ranđelović, A.Novaković: Medieval Literature and Electronic Resources In The XXI Century School, Crkvene studije 18, (2021), 417-431. http://crkvenestudije-churchstudies.com/index.php/studies/article/view/838/755 (M23)
- D.Stanojevic, E.Karalic, B.Ranđelović: Funkcionalnost, selektivnost i psihometrijske karakteristike zadataka sa prijemnog ispita za ucenike sa posebnim sklonostima za informatiku i racunarstvo, Inovacije u nastavi, XXXIV 2021/2, pp146-161 (in Serbian) https://doi.org/10.5937/inovacije2102146S (M23)
- B.Randjelovic, B.Markovic, VV. Mitic, S. Aleksic, D.Milosevic, B.Vlahovic, S.C.Tsai, Discrete Mean Square Appproximation Applied to Error Calculation in Biomolecules and Brownian Motion, International Journal of Modern Physic B, Vol 35 (31) (2021), 2150313. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0217979221503136 (M23)
- V.V.Mitic, S.Ribar, B.Randjelovic, A.Chun Lu, R.Hwu, H.Fecht, B.Vlahovic, Sintering Temperature Influence On Grains Function Distribution By Neural Network Application, Thermal Science Vol.26, 1A, (2022), 299-307 https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI210420283M (M23)
- V.V.Mitic, B.Randjelovic, S.Ribar, M.Cebela, M.Mohr, H.Fecht, B.Vlahovic, Thermal Parameters Defined With Graph Theory Approach in Synthetized Diamonds, Thermal Science, Vol. 26, 3A (2022) p.2177-2186 https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI210422284M (M23)
- S. Aleksic, VV. Mitic, B.Randjelovic, A,Pantic, B.Markovic, A.Karoui, B.Vlahovic, Fractal Correction in Advanced Solar Energy Materials Current-Voltage Equation, International Journal of Modern Physic B, Vol.36, 2, (2022) 2250016 https://doi.org/10.1142/S0217979222500163 (M23)
- V.V.Mitic, S.Ribar, B.Randjelovic, D.Aleksic, H.Fecht, B.Vlahovic. A New Neural Network Approach to Density Calculation on Ceramics Materials, Modern Physic Letters B, Vol 36, 2 (2022), 2150549. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0217984921505497 (M22)
- V.V.Mitic, D.Milosevic, B.Randjelovic, D.Milosevic, B.Markovic, H.Fecht, B.Vlahovic,The fractal interpolation applied on brownian motion particles trajectories reconstruction, International Journal of Modern Physic B, Vol.36, 4 (2022) 2250035. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0217979222500357 (M23)
- E.Karalic, B.Ranđelović: Serbian Medieval Literature in Primary and Grammar School Curricula and Student Achievement Standards, Crkvene studije 19 (2022), 499-512, https://doi.org/10.18485/ccs_cs.2022.19.19.31 (M23)
- Ilić, I.D.; Visnjić, J.M.; Mitić, V.V.; Randjelović, B.M.; Ćirić, L.D. Mathematical Approach to Distant Correlations of Physical Observables and Its Fractal Generalization. Fractal Fract. 2022, 6, 104. https://doi.org/10.3390/fractalfract6020104 (M21)
- Randjelovic, B.M.; Mitic, V.V.; Ribar, S.; Milosevic, D.M.; Lazovic, G.; Fecht, H.J.; Vlahovic, B. Fractal Nature Bridge between Neural Networks and Graph Theory Approach within Material Structure Characterization. Fractal Fract. 2022, 6, 134. https://doi.org/10.3390/fractalfract6030134 (M21)
- B.Randjelovic, E.Karalic, D.Djukic, K.Aleksic. Distance Learning in Serbia - Experience in Primary Education during COVID-19 Crisis, TEME, Vol. XLVI, 2 (2022) 377-397. https://doi.org/10.22190/TEME210609024R (M23)
- B.Randjelovic, J.Stevanovic, E.Lazarevic, How do Fifth Graders Understand The Language of Mathematics Textbooks?, Zbornik Instituta za pedagoska istrazivanja, Vol. 54(1), (2022), 5-26 https://doi.org/10.2298/ZIPI22010005R (M23)
- B.Randjelovic, S.Ribar, V. Mitic, B.Markovic, H.Fecht, , B.Vlahovic, Artificial Neural Network Applied on Sintered BaTiO3 – Ceramic Density, Science of Sintering, Vol 54 (4) (2022), (accepted) (M22)
- D.Simjanovic, N.Vesic, B.Randjelovic, J.Ignjatovic, A Novel Surface Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process, FILOMAT, (accepted) (M22)
- Serpa C., Fecht, H., Randjelovic, B. Mitic, V. (Eds), Special issue Fractal Fract. “The Materials Structure and Fractal Nature” MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, 2022, 6. (M29a)
- Укупан број радова у часописима са IMPACT фактором: 38
- Учешће на научним пројектима: 9
- Учешће на пројектима у области образовања: национални - тренутно 11 (укупно >90); међународни - тренутно 2 (укупно 17)
- Остали релевантни подаци:
- Директор Завода за вредновање квалитета образовања и васпитања Републике Србије (2016-)
- Директор Регионалног центра за професионални развој запослених у образовању Ниш 2008-2012
- Аутор 12 књига.
- https://enauka.gov.rs/cris/rp/rp09446